About Us

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St Clements Surgery is a healthcare premises, where we deal with patients that are unwell. Some patients including new born infants may need examination & immunisation, post-operative wound dressings, etc. As such, they are vulnerable & are at risk of infections.

Covid continues to be a threat & Covid numbers are again increasing, amongst the local population. There will be no changes here, at the Surgery. Patients coming to the Surgery, will still need to wear a mask, use the hand sanitiser & socially distance. Our staff will continue to wear appropriate PPE.

We have made this decision, as often patients coming to the surgery are sick, vulnerable & at risk, as stated earlier. Moreover, some patients maybe unvaccinated, due to medical reasons. Hence, we feel that these precautions will help to protect everyone. We also need to minimise the number of our staff catching Covid, so we can keep a functioning service for all patients. Hence, these safety measures are essential & vital. We need your cooperation, to ensure that we keep you & others safe.

Our consultations will continue as earlier, via Telephone, Video or when clinically required, as Face to face. Consultations will be booked as Telephone, by our front line team. It is worth noting that we are consulting with higher numbers of patients than we ever did before the pandemic, whilst also playing a big part in the Covid vaccination programme too. Our doors are open, but just in a different way.

We hope you will understand why we need to continue with these measures & that we need to keep the surgery, as safe for everyone as we can. We have all come so far, in trying to minimise the impact of Covid. Let us continue to stay safe together, until this threat diminishes.

Thank you.